Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spanish artist Pablo Lopez Ruben Sanz (Pablo Ruben Lopez Sanz)

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Spanish artist Pablo Lopez Ruben Sanz (Pablo Ruben Lopez Sanz)

Also see. OriginalSsylka will open in a new window (960 × 739)

When you look at the work of Spanish artist Pablo from Madrid Ruben Sanz Lopez (Pablo Ruben Lopez Sanz), you know that he was born watercolorist. The art of painting, Pablo started to deal with since childhood, but first he wrote with oil, then switched to acrylics, and then discovered that the ideal artistic technique for him is watercolor. "Watercolor allows you to save drawings and be spontaneous. You can also wear a full set of watercolors with you everywhere and be ready to write at any time" - says Ruben Lopez Pablo Sanz.

    * Also see. OriginalSsylka will open in a new window (960 × 741)

Ruben Lopez Pablo Sanz admires watercolorist past, such as Turner, Sargent and Boudin (Turner, Sargent and Boudin). "Currently, there are dozens of great artists from around the world who create beautiful works. Artists such as Joseph Zbukvik Lars Lerin, Alvaro Casta?eda, Nicholas Simmons (Joseph Zbukvic, Lars Lerin, Alvaro Castagnet, Nicholas Simmons), - says Pablo. .. "list may be very long."

Color for Pablo Ruben Lopez Sanz is paramount. One of the most important things, according to Pablo, a composition and tonal gradation, and color is secondary. "Of course, should also be the right balance and the choice of palette," - adds the artist.

Small lake in France. OriginalSsylka will open in a new window (960 × 960)

    * OriginalSsylka will open in a new window (950 × 960)

    * OriginalSsylka will open in a new window (947 × 960)

At the heart of the palette I use ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, cobalt, turquoise, indigo, pink opera, cadmium red and orange, burnt umber, and add a few more colors depending on the subject, on which he worked. I love the blue spectrum.

San Francisco Airport OriginalSsylka will open in a new window (960 × 960)

OriginalSsylka will open in a new window (960 × 958)

"I believe that the composition is the most important point in the work, it affects the first impression when you see the picture, so I think carefully about where to put shadows, how to distribute the light and the direction of the main lines."

Pablo zamechstelny master space. We can see how they work great in most pictures of the artist.

"I feel - Pablo says - that the film needed a place where the eye can rest, as well as others where the focus look and focus all the details and touches that creates tension. Often I choose the land for more space."

"When we write outdoors, participating in the" plein air ", we must finish the job for a certain time (four or five hours) and immediately put their work to be judged by a jury.

Sevilla Parliament

Sevilla Parliament

Working in the studio, I'm doing my watercolor in different phases, sometimes I need a day or a few days before the next step for the final decision or a variation. "

"I totally can not control the watercolor in the subjects over which often had to work: urban scene, puddles, ponds or village street. But I am in search novyeh themes and artistic problems, looking for the best way to deal with them.

As with any artistic technique in watercolor worst overabundance of work, as the magic of art lies in a few individual strokes, although to learn to draw so it takes a long time.

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