Thursday, August 3, 2017

E.J.Paprocki: Impressionism is alive

Impressionism owes its birth to many factors, including the invention in 1941 of tin tubes for perishable paints. It was they who enabled artists to work in the open air. The main principle of "writing what you see in the midst of light and air" formed the basis of the Impressionist painting. Tin tubes have not been a rare rarity for a long time, but the work of the American landscape painter Eugene Jay Paprosky proves the eternal glory of Impressionism, emphasizes his main idea: it's not only important for colors not to dry out. The main thing in the picture is to save the impression and pass it to your viewer. This is not an easy technique. It is difficult to convey the beauty of the world around you and do it in such a way that it does not slide down to the level "here is my world - a room, a house, near a garbage dump, and in a garbage dump" And at the same time find the perfect in ordinary, show it to other people and Teach them to appreciate it. The Chicago Impressionist of our days managed to do this to the full.

His first painting, Eugene J Paproski (E.J. Paprocki) painted in seven years. And at 18 years old he sold for the first time, but not the one, the first one - quite different. He was educated artist and businessman at the University of Chicago Loyola was trained in the business and fine arts studio. After defending his bachelor's degree, Paproski supplemented his formal training in art during a great journey through Europe by visiting legendary museums. Today, this artist is exhibited very much and often - personally, and as a participant in many prestigious exhibitions on both continents. His works received many good reviews of critics and were noted in several national magazines, such as "International Artist", "Art of the West", "Culfshore Life" and "T3he Magazine of Naples". And the paintings hang in more than a thousand state, private and corporate collections around the world.
by Kush Paintings for sale

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